Future Conferences

Future Conference Locations

Annual Conference Selection Criteria Summary

Annual conference locations are typically confirmed 4-5 years in advance. Traditionally, the geographic locations are based in North America with an east, west, and central rotation, including Canada. Below are the factors that we prioritize and weigh heavily in the decision and selection process:

  • Preferred meeting dates (Mid to late March, into very early April)
  • Meeting space– size, flow, flexibility, and accessibility
  • Sleeping room rates
  • Geographical rotation
  • Attractiveness of city and facility packages
  • Solid regional support from local members or a nearby University with an Asian Studies program
  • Restaurant proximity and diversity
  • Location within the city
  • Air access/service and local transportation services

Annual Conference Space Requirements:

The space requirements for the annual conference are extensive and far exceed the space used in a typical regional conference. When considering locations, each venue (or a combination of venues) must include the following minimums:

  • 50-60 meeting rooms
  • 30,000 sq. ft. of exhibit space
  • A ballroom that seats a minimum of 700 people
  • Additional smaller ballrooms or space for evening receptions, including AAS reception (800ppl)
  • A minimum of 1100 sleeping rooms (preferably in one hotel); additional hotels can be used in close proximity to reach the minimum peak numbers.
  • Note:  The above space requirements are not optional.

Hotel Rates:

Although this amount has changed over the years, we currently look for hotel rates below $250/night (not including taxes). However, some locations are difficult to secure at a reasonable rate due to the timing of the AAS Conference, which typically falls within the weeks of the U.S. Spring Break schedules.

When suggesting future locations, please keep in mind all of the date, space, and rate criteria noted above, as well as the following:

All conferences are not created equal. 

  • The AAS Annual Conference has its own set of unique needs and cannot be easily compared to another event or conference, no matter the success of another event.
  • Another conference may offer cheaper hotel rates because of the geographic location or the time of year.  Rates in Boston in March may not match rates in Boston in August or December.
  • One event might have signed contracts years in advance, securing a lower rate than our event if we signed our contract years after their contract was signed. Each specific signing year and the market dictates future rates.
  • Regional conferences are much smaller than the AAS Annual Conference. Unique locations may work for smaller meetings but most likely will not work for the AAS Annual Conference.

Geographic locations 

  • The AAS Annual Conference has an obligation to try to meet the needs of all members. The conference should rotate to different geographic locations to better serve the membership. This will require:
    • Central/Midwest U.S. locations to be regularly included in the rotation selection.
    • Reasonable expectations that some members will travel further than others, and direct flights may not be available to the conference location. Direct flights are not always available for all attendees (even those based in the U.S.).
    • An understanding that University campuses are not a viable option for the annual conference due to the timing (March) and the need for extensive meeting rooms, exhibit space, and ballrooms; as well as over 1000 sleeping rooms in walkable distance to the campus.
  • Personal biases or preferences for one location are not final determining factors. The AAS conducts extensive research and in-person visits to help determine the best locations and while personal opinions are subjective, the final selection decision is made after very careful consideration.

The conference location may not always be your personal choice for a vacation, but it will always be the best choice for the needs of the annual conference. A location that is easy to access, flows well, has a reasonable rate, and has multiple dining options, with cultural attractions is our top priority. We encourage everyone to view their attendance as a chance to visit a city they may have never chosen to visit in their personal travels.

2025 AAS Annual Conference
Columbus, Ohio

Thursday, March 13 to Sunday, March 16

Hilton Columbus Downtown, Hyatt Regency Columbus & Columbus Convention Center

Experience Columbus

Aerial views of city and downtown
Credit: Destination Vancouver/Barbershop Films

2026 AAS Annual Conference
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Thursday, March 12 to Sunday, March 15

Fairmont Waterfront Vancouver & the
Vancouver Convention Center

Destination Vancouver

2027 AAS Annual Conference
Boston, Massachusetts

Thursday, March 18 to Sunday, March 21

Hynes Convention Center & Boston Sheraton

Meet Boston

The AAS Secretariat is closed on Thursday, July 4 and Friday, July 5 in observance of the Independence Day holiday